News from May 2004

05.31.04: end of AWK tour...

Hey! If you weren't in DC last friday night, you missed out on a good night! We closed out the Andrew WK tour with a blast. The wk crew gave us a proper farewell with jack shots during the set, and a nice last song drum removal prank. We got revenge during AWK's set as I took a shower onstage, with the help of our band, body wash, and several bottles of water. Jeff also came and introduced their stage manager, Big Daddy, to the stage, dressed as big daddy plus the beard. This only makes sense if you've seen AWK or big daddy in person. Anyways it was a party onstage with the locust dressed up freaking people and fireball ministry hanging out drinking. It was nice...

We would like to thank andrew wk and his band and crew, the locust and fireball ministry for keeping us sane and for being such awesome people. It was great hangs and a pleasure to tour with such great bands. Most of all thank you to everyone who came out to see us. Thanks to our friends who drove so far just to hang out and see the shows. Thanks to Robyn for flying out to witness the madness of nyc and the next day in philly, and of course, happy birthday! Thanks to Amy and Margie for the millions of cookies and coffee and tea. Thanks to Rodney for the black label. Thanks to tim biedron for being the best tattoo artist. Thanks to everyone who put us up at their house. Thanks to my cousin Fred and his family for being soooooo pinoy! Thanks to my brother ray for da quan. Thanks to mike wolfe, who brings the bowel to our movement. Thanks to nikki for keeping me sane <3. Thanks to So Real for everything. No thanks to the bastards that broke into the van in NYC and robbed us. Thanks to everyone who keeps us going, you know who you are. Thanks to Ben, who inspires every night meanwhile. Goodnight, and see you in Canada!

mmm... ok den.


05.04.04: New on the site...

Roger has been sending me some pictures he took on tour using his new camera phone. I think they look pretty good for a tiny camera! Go check 'em out in the shows section!


05.03.04: Oh... an update!

What up Y'a!l?!?!?!

Im writing you all from Boise, Ida ho. We were gonna go and watch the Punisher, but the times didn't work out with the show schedule today. Whats going yon? How is everyone? As you know, we are on tour right now for about 3 months straight. We got tough on this tour and slept in the van a bunch and crashed at a few friends/relatives houses.

Thank you to everyone for helping us out! We don't know what we'd do without you. Thank you very much to everyone who has showed up at the shows so far, and we know that the message board crew represented every city so far! Thanks guys!

Those of u who were there may have heard our new song entitled, Meanwhile. That will be on the new vagrant sampler coming out soon. I don't know the date, but i read the June 22nd thing, so that might be it. We can't wait to stop by Oxnard and say hello to our friends and family! Anyways, i just wanted to say hi and thanks for being awesome all the time. To those who we haven't seen yet, see you soon!
