News from February 2004

02.05.4: New stuff in the Media section

We've put some new goodies for ya over in the media section: pictures from the CD Release show at Velvet Jones and pictures from the Salzer's In-Store are now up at the picture gallery There's also a short (but sweet) clip from the Velvet Jones show up for grabs in the video archive.


02.03.4: 1284 more miles to go!

YO! its fuckin cold! We are in Memphis chillin. We are on our way to Rhode Island to start the Finger Eleven tour. So far the travels have been nice. We have already hit up some of our favorite eats (frontier, cracker barrel, waffle house). We plan on being in RI sometime late tomorrow night or early morning of the 4th. We can't get over last Friday!!!Thanks to all of you who hung out at Salzers and Velvet Jones!!! That was really fun:) Thanks to Spencer and Phat Jay at KJEE for being awesome and to our friends at Salzers for all their help. We are looking forward to playing this upcoming tour...Why can't we just be there already!!!!!!!!! Anyways, imma jam. Just wanted to say hi. See ya at the shows:)



02.02.4: Vote in your support for the "Darkness" video.

"Into the Darkness" is one of the videos up on Oven Fresh at!. There's some pretty stiff competition from other good bands, so go over there and vote in your support for the Motiv!


02.01.4: The guys leave for tour!

After watching the guys rock Velvet Jones on Friday night, I forgot all about my jet lag. It was a fun and amazing show - and it was cool to see both the nard crew and a lot of newer faces all under one roof getting into it.

I had planned to get a short video message from the guys together, but unfortunately after rocking Salzer's Records and Velvet Jones, the guys ended up spending the next 24 hours getting ready for their tour with Finger Eleven. So all I have is a shorter video that we shot at 4am as they were driving away.

Anyway, I hope you all can get to catch them on the Finger Eleven tour. I know I'm looking forward to the Troubadour show.
