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06.24.04: Back from tour...
Hello everyone! How's it hanging? I just wanted to say hi and let ya'll know we got home safe. We actually had to cut the finger 11 tour short a couple days. The last two shows were cancelled so we drove home a week early. We are bummed to have missed out on 2 shows and a great time with finger 11, but it had to be done.
I would like to take this time to sincerely thank finger 11 and their crew for being awesome people and for being great company and wonderful hosts in canada. It was an awesome time playing in canada for a month! We made great new friends and fans. So thank u canada! It was awesome spending time with our longtime friends as well.
So now we are at home recuperating and finding ways to make the dollar. The vagrant streets#3 compilation came out on tuesday and has our new song, meanwhile, on it. For those of u that saw us on tour, we played that song pretty much everynight last, cept for a few shows. It also has a dvd with the darkness video and a live performance of independence day on the vagrant america tour. Go check that shit out!
As soon as we confirm our headlining touring plans we will let ya know what's going down. We wanna go out there and play full sets for ya'll so we will do our best to handle it.
We're gonna take a few weeks off and then get our jam on, we'll share the news soon. Take care everyone! Enjoy the summer! Go eat and like that like that!
mmm... ok den.